
Monday, July 16, 2012


Here is a great report June 2012 Africa Missions Update on the work being done in Africa right now by our dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Please continue to pray for them and the new disciples!

We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting the mission in Africa. We are currently in need of funding for printing materials, tracts, books, Bibles, and oftentimes funds to meet urgent needs for food, medical, and other necessities. Please visit our website to learn more about KDM and what we do. 100% of your donation goes towards the mission it self.

After you read the report of the amazing things going on in the mission filed, you may ask how you can get involved? We need more laborers for the harvest!  Please contact us at any time, we would love to help you along your journey as you seek the kingdom of God and follow Jesus Christ. We have many free downloadable resources on our website; Subjects include the kingdom of God, discipleship, evangelism, early Church history/doctrine, and more!