
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

                                   KDM Report: August 1, 2012 –

“Expand the Kingdom of God locally and abroad through training, church planting education, and ministering to the various diverse needs of the poor.”

“Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.” Matthew 5:42
“Give to those who ask. What a clear command. Poses a challenge when folks ask all the time and the more you say yes, the more they ask. Trying to strike a balance between needs and wants, and filtering out manipulation and abuse. Please pray for Cindy and I to be discerning and exercise wisdom. There is an assumption we are rich because we are white Americans, but in actuality we have very limited resources.” 
When I read this on our brother Marc’s Facebook wall, my mind reflected upon Peter’s words to the beggar in Acts 3:6: “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you….” Even though every financial request cannot be fulfilled, what we do have to offer is far more precious.

The Lord is doing amazing and miraculous things in Kenya. When Marc was in Mroki recently, he led six people to the Kingdom at one location alone. People are going through spiritual inventories, repenting, and are being baptized! Cindy is discipling women and having awesome progress in their village of Kiminini. Many of their neighbors are Kingdom Christians, and everyone notes how things have transformed since the Carriers have arrived. We even have new Kingdom saints who are branching out to different parts of Kenya. David, Joseph, Noah, and Godfrey, local Kenyans, recently went on a mission to the eastern part of the country. They were told to expect fifty pastors at a training conference, but found fifteen widows instead. Many were brought to repentance including a locally feared witch. A new fellowship has formed from that conference. Disciples are being baptized, home fellowships are being planted, and the gospel of the Kingdom is advancing as they go out two-by-two, Luke 10 style. It’s like the book of Acts coming to life in our time!

Here is yet another amazing story from the mission field in East Africa. God is glorified in this thrilling transformation in the face of great danger. But first, I must explain a title you will see in the below report, imam. “An imam is an Islamic leadership position, often the worship leader of a mosque in the Muslim community. Imams may lead Islamic worship services, serve as community leaders and scholars, and provide religious guidance.” Keep this in mind as you read below…
“Here is a great report emailed a few days back! Some info concealed for security reasons.

‘Hi Marc! I don't know how to call you but from my point of view you must be an apostle. Well, I am one of the former 3 Imams if at all you heard of it, who surrendered to the Kingdom message which was preached to us by beloved David in ______. We were baptized publicly and it brought rough time on us. We received threats to be killed by the rowdy Muslims so, we ran away with no intention of turning away from Christ whom we proclaim as now the Lord. David gave us Bibles and Shepherds Story books. We started a house church in _____ in one of our friend’s house who also accepted and surrendered and baptized him. We are living in a rental house, my house was burned immediately I ran a way from _____. They stopped paying me even for the work I was doing. I called David and he sent me some of his clothes for us and our children. This doesn't shock us, Jesus says it is blessings to be poor, I just read it Yesterday.
We have been secretly teaching this message to our Muslim families here and now we have 17 Muslims converted by the Gospel of the Kingdom. We are baptizing them tomorrow about 5 kilometers away from Muslim community. The strategy is that after baptism we send them to our extended families far apart to ensure that all our families have received this message. We are doing this immediately. I will be back to ______ evening to collect my documents I left with one of my friends .I will look for David and be back by _____. Now, though this is happening, the challenge is that we have no resources until we get on our feet again. This dear ones need bibles, Kingdom Expansion Series , tracts and shepherds books. If KDM can be able to support us for the time being at least 25 English bibles, 15 Swahili bibles and as many Kingdom Expansion Series and Shepherds storybooks as possible just for once because we are organizing to start buying ours with the funds that we are expecting. Please help us if this email reaches the head of this missions. Otherwise, blessings.
Follow up on the three Imams. Full confirmation. These are bonafide Imams of three mosques who publicly repented and were baptized. Many Muslims in attendance asked David to share this message with them Thurs. David is meeting with the new disciples today. I honestly have to believe this is an unprecedented historic event. Three in one day! Pray for all the members of these three mosques. This has caused quite a stir of confusion for these precious people. The mosques are in disarray. Pray for God's wisdom, love, truth, and protection as He continues to reveal Himself to the people of Kenya.”
This is only a small portion of the reports we are receiving daily. For more wonderful stories, and to see how you can get involved, please visit our website: Also check us out on Facebook:
On behalf of Kingdom Driven Ministries, Grace, Mercy & Peace to you in our King Jesus’ name!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Here is a great report June 2012 Africa Missions Update on the work being done in Africa right now by our dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Please continue to pray for them and the new disciples!

We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting the mission in Africa. We are currently in need of funding for printing materials, tracts, books, Bibles, and oftentimes funds to meet urgent needs for food, medical, and other necessities. Please visit our website to learn more about KDM and what we do. 100% of your donation goes towards the mission it self.

After you read the report of the amazing things going on in the mission filed, you may ask how you can get involved? We need more laborers for the harvest!  Please contact us at any time, we would love to help you along your journey as you seek the kingdom of God and follow Jesus Christ. We have many free downloadable resources on our website; Subjects include the kingdom of God, discipleship, evangelism, early Church history/doctrine, and more!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Allegiance to my King JESUS


I pledge allegiance to my King Jesus

I pledge allegiance to my King Jesus and His kingdom here on earth and in Heaven and our Abba Father. Obeying the Fathers will. Obeying all My Lords commands. Serving no other master. To Love and live as Jesus did. Forgiving as I have been forgiven. In all that I think say and do to bring glory to God our Father and my King Jesus. To forsake my life for his sake.

(on Friday, January 15, 2010 at 11:05pm Today as the pledge of allegiance to the American flag was being said these were the meditations of my heart and mind.)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I believe in The FATHER , SON & HOLY SPIRIT

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hades:
The third day he rose again from the dead:
He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:
I believe in the Holy Ghost:
I believe in the holy universal church: the communion of saints:
The forgiveness of sins:
The resurrection of the body:
And the life everlasting. 


(Apostles' Creed )

Thursday, June 14, 2012

JESUS is my King.

My primary and central and all inclusive interest is my King Jesus an His Kingdom. Everything I am and do emanates from my surrender to my Creator & King. I live & breath to bring glory to my Abba Father and His Son, my King Jesus, and advance the Kingdom of God on earth.

 Now that the Emergency Medical Training (EMT) has been successfully completed, praise JESUS and with the Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) test coming up on June 26th, I soon will be able to focus on integrating both of  these with the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training I received earlier this year for ministry here locally and, Lord willing, very soon in East Africa!

I am excited to work in the medical field soon to really put these skills to practical use, not only to keep them fresh, but to enable me to support our brothers and sisters who are already over in East Africa spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom and seeing the fruit of the Kingdom before their very eyes!!!

I have so much to be grateful to God for, something on my heart very strong is how God has provided for my mom through my sister, Donna and her husband Butch. Words cannot express the depth of thankfulness in my heart and their amazing care-giving. Above and beyond anything normal or just astounds me. I love my baby sister and I know I am not there for her enough. Please forgive me sis...

 I hope to make a trip to South Carolina, Lord willing, in July to see my mom and sis and Butch and other family down that way, it is a much overdue trip...
Well, this was just a tell you what's on my heart post, so I'll sign off  with a prayer.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit
Abba Father to know and do Your will
all the days of my life,
in Jesus

Mercy and peace to you all in Jesus and if you don't know Jesus, please seek Him while He can be found!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Learning New Things...

The last 37 days have been packed with learning new things & travel,South Carolina back to Kentucky  then to Arizona back to Kentucky.

My trip down to South Carolina to see my beautiful mom undergo amputation of her right leg, under the awesome care of my beautiful & caring sister and caring brother in law, Butch.Their  care can only be explained by God working through them to take care of one of His children. What did I learn? More in love with the Creator, to see how fearfully and wonderfully made we truly are. Not only observing my mom, but my sister, Donna  took me to an exhibit at the museum that displayed all these amazing systems that work inside us giving us the precious gift of life from our Creator!  The intricate systems and back up!!!

Back to Kentucky  to begin my Emergency Medial Training (EMT) class, which will last through May of this year. Learning things that my brain is not use to, only God can help me here...

Off to Arizona for a week of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training, which was awesome! The goal of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is to establish a development ministry whose purpose is to bring together Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40). This is accomplished by training community members as Community Health Evangelists (CHEs) who regularly visit 10 – 15 neighboring households sharing the gospel and promoting principles of disease prevention and healthy living.
The program is designed to be transferable, multipliable, and ongoing in the absence of any particular individual or team that God used as a catalyst among the local people. more on this later...

Back to Kentucky to resume my EMT studies an try to adapt CHE to our ministry model at Kingdom Driven Ministry (KDM).

So there you have it a run down on the last 37 days. Praise our King Jesus for His favor. God is awesome!!!